Author: clean

How Anti-Bacterial Wipes are Helpful in Maintaining Hygiene?

With viral infections and diseases spreading fast, maintaining hygiene has become our top priority. But we cannot keep a bottle of sanitizer 24 by 7 in our hands to do so. That is when anti-bacterial wipes come in handy. They are considered one of the best products for maintaining hygiene and keeping bacteria away. Though many people say that the anti-bacterial wipes that they use are not that effective. Well, it might be because they are not using the right anti-bacterial wipes. It is one of the reasons why we suggest buying them from the best wipes manufacturing company like Core Clean. With the help of this blog, let’s discover how anti-bacterial wipes are helpful in maintaining hygiene.

Disinfecting different surfaces

Be it the kitchen countertops or refrigerator handles or door knobs or any other such surfaces at your home or office, all of them can be disinfected using these wipes. All these surfaces have lots of bacteria on them which are not visible to the naked eye. That is why, it is better to wipe them off with the help of anti-bacterial wipes. In one wipe, you will be able to remove a maximum number of bacteria with ease, be it at the workplace or home.

Can carry anti-bacterial wipes with ease

We already explained above that carrying a bottle of sanitizer is not easy. But one can easily slip a packet of anti-bacterial wipes in their bag or pocket to use them with ease. These wipes are soaked in disinfectant or anti-bacterial chemicals which help in killing or removing the bacteria instantly. They can be carried to public places which is helpful when going out with kids to parks or other public places.

Prevents the spreading of illnesses

During the spread of bacterial infection or viral infection, it becomes necessary to maintain hygiene. Constant use of anti-bacterial wipes helps in reducing bacterial infection and its transmission. But one must ensure that they are using the right anti-bacterial wipes and not the ones that falsely claim to be the best. It is one of the reasons why using anti-bacterial wipes provided by Core Clean Company is considered right.

Sanitize your hands using anti-bacterial wipes

When in a public place, we come in contact with many things and many people around us. We are unaware of how much bacteria these surfaces have and touching them with our hands and using the same while eating. Or using the same while touching our eyes nose or mouth can spread any kind of infection. It is one of the reasons why we advise to use anti-bacterial wipes for sanitizing hands.

With this, we all can understand that anti-bacterial wipes are of great use, especially in maintaining hygiene. But if you want complete hygiene, then avoid buying any normal wipes and go for anti-bacterial wipes manufactured by Core Clean company.

How Disinfecting Wipes are Helpful in Medicare?

When talking about healthcare or Medicare, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is a necessity. Especially after the spread of the deadly virus COVID-19 and its several variants, people have become quite aware of cleanliness measures related to healthcare. The use of disinfecting wipes also comes among it but many people are still not much aware of it. These wipes are treated like ordinary wipes and their importance in the medical sector is still not known to many. That is why, we are here to share how Disinfecting Wipes are helpful in medical care and in what ways.

But before that, one must also keep in mind that it is also necessary to buy the best quality disinfecting wipes if you wish to maintain cleanliness. If you are unaware of which company’s disinfecting wipes to buy, go for Core Clean company.

Enhances safety for patients

It is necessary to disinfect the patient’s room regularly to avoid the transmission of any bacteria or virus. For disinfecting the spaces around patients, like their bed rest arms, nearby tables, or any other such surfaces which they come in contact with, disinfecting wipes are considered best. It helps in keeping patients away from the infectious agents which prevents them from falling sick again. Even at home when one is ill, the use of disinfecting wipes is a must. During such times, the immunity of a person is weak and that is when they are more prone to get attacked by viruses and bacteria. So, ensure that you use these wipes to enhance their safety.

Disinfecting medical care equipment

Cleaning and disinfecting medical equipment are also important. As they are used in check-ups or medical treatments, their regular disinfection will help in keeping them clean. It is not only safe for patients but it is also helpful in maintaining the medical equipment for the long term. The disinfecting wipes come with disinfectant liquids or chemicals in them which eliminates the need to wash them and increases their durability.

Preventing infections

One of the major reasons why it is suggested to use disinfecting wipes in Medicare is to avoid or prevent infection. Especially, when you are coming in contact with a patient or you are close to a contaminated surface, do not forget to use disinfecting wipes during such times. They are considered crucial in preventing the transmission of any kind of harmful pathogens by killing them.

It is one of the reasons why it is necessary to keep disinfecting wipes in your homes as well. As they can be of great help when someone is ill at your home. However, buy them from Core Clean company if you do not wish to use any normal wipes instead of disinfecting wipes.

How baby wipes are helpful in maintaining optimal hygiene?

Newborn babies bring a lot of happiness with them. But at the same time comes the responsibility of taking care of their health and safety as well. We know that as a parent one takes all the precautions that are necessary for the safety of these little infants. In the market also, we have a wide range of baby care products available to keep them happy and healthy. Baby wipes are also one such product and are considered as one of the helping hands when it comes to maintaining hygiene for babies.


But among the myriad of baby wipes manufacturers in India, ensuring that you are going for the best one is also important. That is why, we advise you to choose the Core Clean Company when it comes to picking up the safest baby wipes. However, many parents still question the authenticity of baby wipes when it comes to hygiene. And several parents are even unaware of the benefits these baby wipes offer. In this blog, we are going to share how baby wipes help maintain hygiene with and around babies to help parents get the answers to all their questions.


Baby Wipes are soft to use


Unlike the other clothes or wipes which are made of thick fabric or are a little rough, baby wipes are quite soft. We all know that baby’s skin is soft and tender and the use of any harsh or rough material on them can cause them irritation or redness. One should never take a chance with the delicate skin of babies by using other soft clothes. No matter even if you are using clean clothes a little dust or allergens on them can make your baby cry. That is why, going for chemical-free and smooth baby wipes is considered best and the baby wipes manufacturers in India like Core Clean Company, it is easy to find such wipes.


Versatile cleaning for babies


Be it a newborn baby of 5 months or a 2-year-old baby, cleaning and maintaining hygiene is a must with all babies. The availability of both dry and wet baby wipes in the market has made things easier for parents when it comes to cleaning. Whether one needs to wipe while changing the diaper or whether one needs to wipe after feeding them food, baby wipes are best for all types of cleaning. During the winter weather, one can also wipe the bodies of the babies to avoid bathing them every day. When baby starts crawling, they also touch different surfaces and that is when baby wipes are of great help.


From wiping their face to their fingers, baby wipes are the quickest and most convenient options for baby hygiene. One can carry them along in pockets or purses without any difficulty and they are easily available in the market. But ensure that you get them from reliable baby wipes manufacturers in India like the Core Clean.



Factors to Consider When Picking Best Medical Disinfectant Wipes in India

Maintaining a safe and sterile environment in a hospital or at a medical facility is one of the most crucial needs. Medical Disinfectant Wipes is one of the options that is highly considered these days for maintaining that safety. We get to hear about a new illness or a new virus variant after every few months. Looking at that, disinfecting or sterilising the environment of a healthcare center is a must.


With every hospital, medical centers, and wellness centers making use of medical disinfectant wipes, their demand has increased. Though, we have sufficient supply of these wipes in the market, but picking up the right one is not easy for all. In this blog, we are sharing a few factors that one must consider when choosing the best and right medical disinfectant wipes.


Choose according to the need


Be aware of the purpose for which you require the disinfectant wipes. As there are different types of medical disinfectant wipes available in the market. These wipes come with different ingredients depending on their requirement. They also vary according to the microorganisms for which you are planning to use these. So be aware of the pathogens or the virus infection for which the disinfectant wipe is required and buy according to it.


Ensure the compliance with the regulations


Another important factor to consider is to ensure that the medical disinfectant wipes are manufactured by following all the medical guidelines. They should meet the specific regulations and criterion set by the medical standards for the safety of patients and medical department. Though trusting on any normal brand is not a good idea. That is why, one must check if the brand that you are buying from is medically approved and certified by renowned organizations like ISO or not like the Core Clean Company.


Verify the active ingredients and chemicals


The presence of active ingredients in the medical disinfectant wipes is essential. It helps in fighting against the virus or pathogens that are prevailing in the environment or the surface that needs to get disinfected. Also, check the chemical ingredients used in them especially when using these around the patient for cleaning table, arm rest or other surfaces. It will help one avoid using the disinfectant wipes with the chemicals that might cause allergy or problem to patient depending on its present medical condition.


Other than these factors, always ensure that you buy medical disinfectant wipes from the brands that are eco-friendly. It will ensure their proper disposal without impacting the environment. Considering these factors and the affordability, we advise to buy them from Core Clean. It is one of the well-known wipes manufacturing brands and is well-certified by ISO.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Top Pet Grooming Brands in India in 2023

The demand for pet grooming products has surged recently due to the rise in pet ownership in India. Consequently, the pet care marketing is booming. And several brands are claiming to offer the best solutions for pet grooming. Choosing the Top Pet Grooming Brands has become daunting in the country.

With that in mind, we’re compiling a list of factors that you need to consider. This will help you select the most reliable and top brand. Read on to explore them.

Pet-Specific Formulas

Whether you want to choose dog grooming products, cat grooming supplies, pet nail clippers, pet wipes, flea and tick control products, pet hair trimmers, or kits, make sure the brand you have chosen manufactures products specifically formulated for the breed and coat type of your pet.

Always remember that every different pet needs a different grooming product. For example, short-haired dogs may need different products than long-haired ones.

Ingredient Quality

Check the quality of ingredients used in the product. Go for conditioners, shampoos, and other grooming products that contain safe, natural, and high-quality ingredients. Say ‘no’ to grooming items for pets with artificial fragrances, harsh chemicals, and dyes. 

Skin Sensitivity

Do take care of the skin sensitivity of your furry companion by selecting the right products for grooming. Ensure that your four-legged friend has no allergy problem. Typically, many animals have sensitive and allergic skin. In that case, some products may react negatively to them.

Go for a brand that guarantees to offer dermatologist-approved and hypoallergenic products. Such products are less likely to cause any problems to pets with sensitive skin.

Safety & Certification

Another factor to consider is safety and certification. Remember that top pet grooming brand caters to safety standards and certifications. Choose a brand that is ISI-certified, FDA-approved, and approved by other government authorities and has undergone several tests during the manufacturing process to guarantee the safety of your pet.

Recommendations & Product Reviews

Read product reviews and recommendations from veterinarians or fellow pet owners. This will help you evaluate the effectiveness of a pet grooming brand. Check social media groups, online forums, and pet care websites to get valuable insights into  Top Pet Grooming Brands in India. 

Brand Reputation

Brand reputation is another area of concern. Check the reputation of the grooming brand in the industry. Go for one that has a positive reputation as they will deliver on their promises and you will get excellent customer service. Check customer feedback and testimonials to gauge their credibility.

Top Pet Grooming Brands in India

Core Clean is one of the top pet grooming brands in India you can consider in 2023. Established on the mission of enhancing the lives of pets, the company manufactures, supplies, distributes, trades, and exports top-quality pet grooming products. The company deals in many other products, such as surface wipes, pet wipes, gym wipes, medical wipes, and industrial wipes.

Core Clean is committed to complying with International Quality standards and cGMP manufacturing compliances. Also, it has a centralized well-equipped Analytical Lab, an FDA-approved Microbiology Laboratory, and R&D Labs.


What to Keep in Mind While Searching for Pet Shampoo in India

If you are a pet owner, you may always ensure the grooming routine of your furry friends. And why not, your pets deserve the utmost care. Choosing the right shampoo is one essential aspect of pet grooming. However, choosing the best one is a challenge when so many options are available in India. With that in mind, we are providing you helpful guide to choosing the best pet shampoo in India.


Checking the ingredients is the first step. Read the label and go for products that come with safe and natural ingredients. Do not choose the products with harsh chemicals, sulfates, or artificial fragrances. Buy one with moisturizers, gentle cleansers, and essential oils

Pet’s Specific Needs

Consider the specific needs of your pet. Take into account factors like skin sensitivity, breed, and coat type. Also, make if there are any skin conditions. In case of any issue with sin, oatmeal-based shampoo can be a good choice whereas a detangling formula is the option for pets with dense or long fur.

Allergies & Skin Conditions

In case of any allergies or skin conditions, it is advisable to contact a veterinarian before choosing a shampoo. Expats can only help you with proper guidance based on your pet’s specific needs. However, top companies offer shampoos for bacterial fungal infections or may address itchy skin.

pH Balance Matters

It is important to learn that your four-footed friend has a different pH level compared to yours. So, about using your personal shampoo formulated for humans as it can harm the natural balance of your pet’s skin. Choose a shampoo that describes the pH level suitable for their skin to prevent any skin problems.

Test the Product

To check any negative impacts, it is good to carry out a patch test. Apply the shampoo on a small area of your pet’s skin. If it goes well, then proceed with the complete bath.

Also, take a look at the fragrance. Animals have a heightened sense of smell. It is therefore crucial to opt for a scent that is pleasant.

Core Clean: the Place for Pet’s Shampoo

Core Clean is one of the places to find the best pet shampoo in India. The company offers products with different ingredients. You can choose one depending on your pets’ specific needs. The company manufactures and supplies pet grooming products for the health and happiness of pets.

Common Problems with Pet Grooming and How to Avoid Them

Pet grooming is crucial if you want to keep your furry friend healthy. But, it can be stressful for you and your pet. Let’s discuss some common problems of pet grooming in India and how to avoid them.

Fear & anxiety

Your pet me ba afraid of being groomed due to factors like unfamiliar surroundings, previous negative experiences, or loud sounds. So, start slowly and introduce the grooming process to them. Plus, use positive reinforcement, like praise, and treats.

Nail trimming

Trimming the thick and curly nails of your pet’s nails is another common problem. Unregular training can cause the nail to grow too long and curl. So, choose to trim your nails regularly. Do it yourself or by a professional groomer.

Matted fur

A common problem is matted fur. This painful problem that leads to skin issues mainly occurs in long-haired pets. It is advisable to brush and trim (around armpits, ears, and behind the legs) your pet’s fur regularly. 

Ear cleaning

To prevent ear infections, clean the ears of your pets regularly. Use a mild ear cleaning and cotton balls for this. Make sure to use a cleaner, specially designed for pets for the safe cleaning process. Remember to avoid sticking anything into the ear canal.


To keep them free of dirt parasites and clean, bathing your pets is an important part of pet grooming in India. But, avoid bathing too often because it will dry out their coat and skin. Note that there are some pets that need to be batched once a month or less. While bathing, use a mild shampoo followed by rinsing them thoroughly.

Additional tips

To avoid common problems during pet grooming, find a reputable groomer, provide your groomer with all necessary products, and inform him or her of any health concerns your pet may have.

Core Clean is one of the reputed companies that offer an extensive range of products to ensure successful pet grooming in India. Buy all the products to groom your pets and let them feel healthy and look clean.

Enhance Your Pet’s Mealtime with Trendy Pet Bowl Designs

Are you a pet lover? If so, it is the first priority to find the best products for your pet. Mealtime is a significant thought point for the overall health and well-being of your furry family member. And Pet Bowls play a vital role in improving their feeding experience by treating them with a healthy lifestyle.

Attempting healthy eating habits to address specific needs, trendy pet bowl designs have emerged as a sought-after choice. To amplify the importance of pet feeding, Pet bowls manufacturers in India present a variety of feeder bowls which is highly functional and Innovative.

Pet Bowls at Core Clean

Core Clean manufactures and supplies a wide range of pet bowls that can be sued to serve food or water to your pets. These bowls by Core Clean help control how much food your pet ingests and can thus help keep them at a healthy weight. Also, using these bowls, you can keep the food clean. The trendy bowls are popular as slow-feed bowls, interactive puzzle bowls, raised bowls, automatic feeding bowls, anti-slip bowls, etc. These bowls are made using the most hygienic and food-grade materials such as stainless steel, ceramic, automatic bowl, plastic, silicon, and more.

They consider the requirements of a pet into account such as breed, size, age, and eating habits, and design the feeder which is suitably meets a fixture in your environment for a long time.  Let’s explore the best bowl for pets, briefing the features, and benefits of choosing the right one ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable mealtime experience for your pet.

Benefits of  Pet Bowls:

 Prevents gulping, improve healthy eating habits

  • Improve digestion, reduces strain on joints
  • Keep pets away from medical conditions
  • Adds mental stimulation during mealtime
  • Non-toxic and safe means sounds good for pet-health
  • Conveniently easy food serving option for busy pet owners
  • Encourage a mess-free feeding experience for messy eaters

Moreover, these bowls are hygienically applicable and are easy to clean and sanitize to prevent bacterial growth. On the other hand, their sturdy construction, and smooth, sleek design avoid stains, dents, or breakage for long functioning.

Today’s pet bowls come in a wide array of styles and sizes and consist of features including rust-resistant, heavy, and bacterial, lightweight, collapsible, programmable to dispense food at fixed times, and more.

There is sure to be a feeder that is suitable for your cub.  By doing a little research and planning, you can easily pick out the right dog bowl for your pet, providing years of healthy eating, fun, and style.


 By choosing modern and specific pet bowls, you can make mealtime enjoyable, promote healthy eating habits, and avoid frequent medication. Before choosing trendy pet bows, consider your pet’s requirements and go through reputed Pet bowls manufacturers in India like Core Clean and elevate your pet feeding experience.

How to Buy Shampoo for Your Pet: A Comprehensive Guide

As a pet owner, you provide the best possible care to your furry friends, including their grooming routine. Just like us, pets also need proper hygiene, and buying the right shampoo for them is crucial. Thanks to Core Clean, one of the renowned pet shampoo manufacturers in India. Core Clean not just manufacturers, but also supplies, distributes, and exports the best quality pet shampoo.

Let’s discuss how to buy shampoo for your pet.

Consider your pet’s needs:

Take into account the factors like coat type, breed, and any specific conditions related to their skin. Go for gentle shampoo or hypoallergenic in case of sensitive skin. For long hair, buy shampoo formulated for tangle-free grooming.

Look for gentle & natural ingredients:

Choose products that use gentle and natural ingredients. Avoid shampoos artificial fragrances, harsh chemicals, or sulfates. These products irritate your pet’s skin. Ingredients like oatmeal, aloe vera, and tea tree oil are good options.

Consult your veterinarian:

In the case of any existing skin allergies or conditions, it is always good to consult your veterinarian. They can suggest specific shampoos or ingredients.

Read product labels & reviews:

Before choosing products, read the product labels. Focus on any warnings or usage instructions. Plus, read reviews from other pet owners.

Reputed brands

Look for reputed brands. Core Clean is one of the leading pet shampoo manufacturers in India. They produce pet shampoo for different breeds. The pleasant scent makes pets smell fresh. Their products are made with neutral or mild scents as too strong a smell can harm your pet’s nose.

 Test small quantities first:

Start applying shampoo to your pet in a small quantity and see how they react. Use it according to the instructions. Rinse thoroughly, and see any adverse reactions. In case of new discomfort or skin irritation of the pets, continue using.


Choosing the right Pet shampoo in India is an important decision that can contribute to their overall health and well-being. Follow the given instructions and always look for the best Pet shampoo manufacturers in India.



How to Use Pet Wipes to Clean Dogs and Cats?

The title of being a pet parent comes with several responsibilities. Only loving your dogs and cats is not enough, but one must also be able to take care of them properly. It starts with keeping them clean and tidy to protect them from getting dirty and infected. However, it is not possible to give them a bath every day. That is why we have pet wipes available in the market to help keep your dogs and cats clean with ease.

Multiple companies are manufacturing these wipes. However, only a few are known to provide the best quality animal-friendly wipes, like The Core Clean Company. These wipes do look similar to the other wipes. However, they are infused with different chemicals which are specifically suitable for pets. To help you know how to use pet wipes to clean dogs and cats, we are sharing the instructions below in this blog.

Buy the right quality Pet Wipes

Before you learn how to clean dogs and cats using these wipes, first learn to choose the right one. You will find different pet wipes according to their use, like for cleaning sensitive areas, for cleaning paws, dog cleaning wipes, cat cleaning wipes, and many more. Dogs have the habit of licking themselves, which is why we recommend buying these wipes that are free from chemicals. Do not forget to check their label before buying them. If you do not want to take the risk of buying the wrong wipes, buy from The Core Clean Company.

Ensure that your pet is not allergic to pet wipes

Like human beings, pets also have certain allergies. Before buying pet-friendly wipes, one must make sure that the pets do not have allergies to the ingredients used in them. You can check it with the veterinarian according to the breed of your pet. Or, while using it on your pet, if you find the pet reacting to it differently, do not use it for cleaning them.

Wipe them without forcing them

Hold your pets with ease and make them sit comfortably so that they do not run while you are cleaning them. Gently clean the dirty area of the pet so that the dirt easily comes off. Do not rub them too hard on the sensitive areas of your pet; else, it might leave them irritated for some time. Do not use the same wipe to clean every part of their body; else, it may spread dirt or infection from one part to another. Take special care when wiping their ears, nose, paws, under tail, and other sensitive areas.

By using all these steps, you will be able to clean your dogs and cats properly. But do not miss the first step, which is about choosing the right pet wipes. As that is the only way you will be able to clean your pets in the right way. To get the best dog or cat wipes, we always recommend going for The Core Clean Company. By supplying several varieties of pet-friendly wipes at cost-friendly prices, they have become the first choice of most pet parents.