Tag: Anti-Bacterial wipes

How Anti-Bacterial Wipes are Helpful in Maintaining Hygiene?

With viral infections and diseases spreading fast, maintaining hygiene has become our top priority. But we cannot keep a bottle of sanitizer 24 by 7 in our hands to do so. That is when anti-bacterial wipes come in handy. They are considered one of the best products for maintaining hygiene and keeping bacteria away. Though many people say that the anti-bacterial wipes that they use are not that effective. Well, it might be because they are not using the right anti-bacterial wipes. It is one of the reasons why we suggest buying them from the best wipes manufacturing company like Core Clean. With the help of this blog, let’s discover how anti-bacterial wipes are helpful in maintaining hygiene.

Disinfecting different surfaces

Be it the kitchen countertops or refrigerator handles or door knobs or any other such surfaces at your home or office, all of them can be disinfected using these wipes. All these surfaces have lots of bacteria on them which are not visible to the naked eye. That is why, it is better to wipe them off with the help of anti-bacterial wipes. In one wipe, you will be able to remove a maximum number of bacteria with ease, be it at the workplace or home.

Can carry anti-bacterial wipes with ease

We already explained above that carrying a bottle of sanitizer is not easy. But one can easily slip a packet of anti-bacterial wipes in their bag or pocket to use them with ease. These wipes are soaked in disinfectant or anti-bacterial chemicals which help in killing or removing the bacteria instantly. They can be carried to public places which is helpful when going out with kids to parks or other public places.

Prevents the spreading of illnesses

During the spread of bacterial infection or viral infection, it becomes necessary to maintain hygiene. Constant use of anti-bacterial wipes helps in reducing bacterial infection and its transmission. But one must ensure that they are using the right anti-bacterial wipes and not the ones that falsely claim to be the best. It is one of the reasons why using anti-bacterial wipes provided by Core Clean Company is considered right.

Sanitize your hands using anti-bacterial wipes

When in a public place, we come in contact with many things and many people around us. We are unaware of how much bacteria these surfaces have and touching them with our hands and using the same while eating. Or using the same while touching our eyes nose or mouth can spread any kind of infection. It is one of the reasons why we advise to use anti-bacterial wipes for sanitizing hands.

With this, we all can understand that anti-bacterial wipes are of great use, especially in maintaining hygiene. But if you want complete hygiene, then avoid buying any normal wipes and go for anti-bacterial wipes manufactured by Core Clean company.

How to Use Anti-Bacterial Wipes the Right Way?

Bacteria cause infections by entering our bodies. So getting an infection from bacteria is easy through an opening skin, such as a bug bite, cut, or surgical wound. The bacteria can also enter your body and cause infections like bacterial pneumonia. That’s where Anti-bacterial wipes for dog ears come in handy.

Anti-Bacterial Wipes 

Antibacterial wipes are a powerful and effective tool to prevent the spread of infections and diseases in your facility and business. They are easy to use in comparison to sprays and towels. Why? Because they are one-step design and simple. They are clean and do not spread germs and bacteria to uncontaminated surfaces. While used properly, they eliminate infections to a great extent.

How to Use Anti-Bacterial Wipes? 

Read Instructions

For effective use, read the manufacturer’s direction of use. Some wipes are approved only to kill bacteria. They won’t work for viruses. Only wipes with ‘disinfectant’ on the label are designed to kill viruses, bacteria, and mold. It is therefore important to check the product’s label before starting to use them. 

Drying Surfaces 

Wipes for bacteria have the quality to stay visibly wet for a few moments. The amount of time depends on the ingredients used in the products and what germs you want to kill. The waiting time can range between 15 seconds to 10 minutes. Check the official website of the manufacturer and read the product description to get complete information. 

Wiping Your Hands 

Please note that there are some antibacterial wipes that are ideal to be used on hands. Avoid using them if they are disinfectant wipes. If you use it, this will cause allergic reactions such as itchy, red skin, and swelling. Harsh chemicals used in disinfectant wipes can cause even more problems on children’s hands. 

Clean Surface First

Lots of grime and dirt can make it hard for disinfectants to do their job. It is therefore advisable to clean your dirty surface first. Use household cleaner and soapy water for this.

To sum up, anti-bacterial wipes are very effective if they are used the right way. Follow the above guidelines to learn how to use these wipes.

What to Avoid While Using Antibacterial Wipes

Anti-Bacterial wipes have become one of the most important means to disinfect contaminated places. Health care centers, hospitals, and other institutions across India are using antibacterial wipes over traditional cleaning tools to stop the spread of microorganisms on different surfaces. They are good, but using these ready-to-use wipes in the right way is very important.

You need to avoid some practices while using antibacterial wipes as they are not good at all.

Avoid Using Them on Soft Surfaces

The use of antibacterial wipes on couch fabric or carpet or other such items should be avoided. Why? Because these fabrics can absorb moisture from the wipe, which is not good as they do not stay wet for long enough for the chemicals to work properly and kill germs. These wipes are made for hard surfaces and they work well on stainless steel and plastic where germs and viruses like Coronavirus stay for longer.

Avoid Cleaning Toys

Using pre-soaked wipes to clean the toys of your kid is a bad practice. This is because children put a lot of their toys into their mouths. So, avoid using antibacterial wipes to clean kids’ toys. Instead, you can use mild spray or water.

Avoid Marble & Granite Surfaces

Stop using these disposable wipes on marble or granite surfaces. Reason being, that antibacterial wipes contain hazardous chemicals that can damage your marble or granite surface. Repeated use can make your beautiful surface look dull and ugly.

Avoid in Entire Kitchen

Believe it or not, antibacterial wipes are manufactured to clean everything in a kitchen. Read the description of the products and ensure where these wipes need to be used.

Avoid Using Multiple Items

Never use the same antibacterial wipe on multiple things, especially the toilet handle and again the front doorknob. Use one wipe per area. Using the same wipes is less effective on large areas or multiple surfaces. This makes the germs problem even worse. Using the same wipes can spread dirt or germs on several surfaces.



Not keeping things is important and using antibacterial wipes is the best way. But when you use these wipes in the most effective manner, they will give the best results by killing germs or harmful bacteria. So, always avoid the items mentioned above in order for the best results.


Benefits of Having Antibacterial Wipes During COVID-19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the things admitted in demand are none-other than sensitization. When we talk about Anti-bacterial wipes, they have become more popular with an increasing amount of workplaces for disinfecting the premises free from viruses and bacteria. The antibacterial wipes are a one-step design that can clean bacteria on the surface than sprays and towels. When it is used properly, it helps to eliminate the spread of germs and protects us from the risk of infection and disease that can spread due to COVID-19. 

What are Anti-bacterial wipes and what do they do?

Antibacterial wipes are pre-moistened towelettes. It contains a disinfecting formula that combat, remove, and kill germ, bacteria, and viruses. They can be used on a variety of surfaces. They are a quick, easy and reliable way to keep the facility and business disinfected and safe. These antibacterial wipes are very portable. Diluted with the right chemicals and packaged in convenient containers which are designed to easily pullout a wipe and are easy to use.

There are several notable benefits of using antibacterial wipes:

  • These disposable are bleach-free and highly absorbent are optimal clean and safe to use
  • Made of cotton spun lace fabric that is soft and friendly for the skin
  • 75% of medical alcohol is used in the wipes that inhibit bacteria effectively and safely
  • Completely biodegradable disinfectant kills 99% of germs when used properly
  • Disinfect any kind of hard surfaces such as laminates metals, plastic, glass, and stainless steel
  • Made of natural materials, that decompose in a short time in a landfill good for the environment
  • Packaged in a small bucket,  it is simple, quick, and handy to use and carry anywhere

Furthermore, the antibacterial wipes are suitable for use in multiple environments. Whether you work in the healthcare sector or in a warehouse or office, these wipes are ideal for a quick cleaning situation. They ensure hygiene levels remain high in the workplace at the end of the working day. It is an advanced cleaning way that improves cleaning procedures at the workplace and at home as well.

Core Clean is one of the antibacterial manufacturers in India, providing wipes that save your money, and time and keep you away from the spread of life hazardous viruses and diseases.

How Antibacterial Wipes Keep Us Safe During Coronavirus

The variations of Coronavirus have changed the way we should live. Nobody wants to take even a single risk with dirt and unhygienic conditions. That‘s why every one of us looks for the solutions that take care of ourselves as well as being easy and time saver. Anti-bacterial Wipes have been top on the rank as they are a perfect option to keep us safe from dreadful wires, bacteria, and germs. These wipes are extremely handy and easy to use. They provide user-centric and convenient disinfecting agents. Moreover, antibacterial wipes are highly efficient in keeping surfaces and the skin safe from germs (germs can make you easily infected and sick).

More About Antibacterial Wipes

Antibacterial Wipes are pre-moistened towels. They contain a sanitizing or disinfecting formula. So, they eliminate or reduce germs on skins and surfaces. These wipes are packaged in containers that are designed to easily use one wipe at a time. These wipes can be used easily due to their one-step and simple design.

  • Whether you use Antibacterial wipes for cleaning work desks, kitchen surfaces or just wiping your hands, these wipes are very effective.
  • They can clean surfaces without leaving behind any residue like grime or grease after use. This keeps surfaces much cleaner and free from microorganisms.
  • Antibacterial wipes have the quality to kill bacteria. According to Core Clean, one of the top Antibacterial Wipes manufacturers, the wipes can kill up to 99.9% of bacteria, eliminate viruses and germs from surfaces and keep your workplace hygienic and safe from Covid-19.
  • Antibacterial wipes are safe and easy to use and carry.

Environmentally Friendly

Top Antibacterial Manufacturers in India supply antibacterial wipes that are environmentally friendly. They develop wipes that are biodegradable and flushable. Since companies produce wipes with biodegradable material, they are more environmentally friendly than previous products.  Also, these wipes can be easily disposed of, with no harm to the environment.

Moreover, antibacterial wipes are suitable for multiple environments. They can be used at a workplace, medical/healthcare center, or other places. They are perfect and can maintain hygiene levels


In this day and age when viruses like Coronavirus have put our life in danger, using an antibacterial wipe helps in decreasing or erasing the presence of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. So, look for one of the best Antibacterial Wipes Manufacturers today and buy these wipes.

Anti-Bacterial Wipes: How They Create a Safe and Healthy Environment

The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic that broke out in 2019 has made people realize the importance of Anti-Bacterial Wipes. An increasing number of workplaces, offices, residents, are using these wipes to clean their premises for killing bacteria and viruses. These wipes are pre-moistened towelettes designed with disinfecting or sanitizing formula. They can kill bacteria on the surface.

Let’s explore why using Anti-Bacterial Wipes is a must these days.

Kill Bacteria

Anti-Bacterial Wipes are extremely effective when it comes to destroying unhealthy bacteria. In fact, they can help in eliminating up to 99.9% of bacteria. With them, you can create a safe environment for customers, and employees. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, a clean working environment is very crucial, and wipes that can kill bacteria help you to achieve this.

Eco-Friendly Solution

Anti-Bacterial Wipes give you an environment-friendly solution to create a healthy environment. They are manufactured using biodegradable material so they are eco-friendly. They can be used and disposed of safely without worrying about putting harm to the environment. The most beneficial thing is that these wipes are flushable so no risk of pipes blockage.

Effectively Disinfect Surfaces

Stepping ahead with other benefits, Anti-Bacterial Wipes are effective in disinfecting surfaces. They can be used to clean kitchen surfaces, office floors, work desks, doorknobs, or just to wipe your hands to stay protected from the deadly bacteria. These wipes are perfect to clean the dirty surface. Thus, your floor will be much cleaner and free from micro-organisms.

Core Clean Anti-Bacterial Wipes

Core Clean is a reputed company, engaged in making and supplying high-quality and hygienic wipes, including Anti-Bacterial Wipes, surface wipes, gym wipes, beauty wipes, and so on. The wipes produced by Core Clean are eco-friendly and highly effective in giving an instant. To know more about the Core Clean products in detail, you can directly contact its customer support number +91-9821009116.